Let’s shake things up.

We’re not another big agency. We’re a seamless addition to your existing team.


Departure House is making marketing basics accessible for businesses of all shapes and sizes. We offer flexible one-on-one marketing consulting services tailored to you and your business.

Our team is particularly well-versed with the real estate industry, tourism and destination marketing, and working with start-ups, small businesses, and Indigenous entrepreneurs. We’re excited to share our knowledge and get to know one another.

Meet Krista.

Principal and Marketing Strategist at Departure House

Headshot of Krista Burdeyney, Principal and Founder of Departure House.
Brand photo of Krista Burdeyney, Principal and Founder of Departure House.
Headshot for Krista Burdeyney, Principal and Founder at Departure House.

Krista has over 10 years of marketing experience working on everything from big-budget advertising campaigns, re-brands, and point-of-sale initiatives to landing page development, sales collateral, social media management, and content creation.


Krista Burdeyney is the founder of Departure House, holding a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta - Marketing major, Strategic Management and Organization minor.

Her industry experience is broad, having worked with start-ups and entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, and a Chamber of Commerce, but the majority of her career has been spent in the real estate industry working for a leading North American home builder and land developer.

Krista has a passion for road trips, travel, and trying new things. She has lived abroad and visited over 35 countries. She loves to work on the go and from destinations that fuel her soul.

Krista prides herself on her flair for the creative, always looking to think outside the box to tell a brand’s story in a unique and compelling way. She’s confident that she, along with her network of collaborators, has what it takes to market your business.

Let’s get started.

For questions about our experience or to request a portfolio of our work – just reach out! We’d love to provide more information on our knowledge and talent in the marketing space.